
The always-on connection with the accountant

Create a seamless digital way of working with Banqup's easy integrations

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One seamless integration

Easy integration with Banqup APIs

Banqup is here to make your firm's life easier. That's why Banqup creates an intelligent financial ecosystem that is independent of your accounting software.

This means you can feed your clients' invoices, payments and data directly from Banqup into your existing ERP or tax system.

Banqup's API library provides you with a variety of APIs and services, including VAT, IBAN and TRN validators. All create a connection for the simplest and smartest digital way of working.

Accountant standing in front of building laughing at camera
"I recommend Banqup because it is compatible with most accounting software, avoiding additional investment or needing to reconfigure current software."
Allan Darquenne

Bureau Comptable Darquenne

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See Banqup in action and discover the simplicity of your Banqup Console and your client's Banqup platform.

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