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Digital administration: A win for your company, too

August 29, 2023
Minutes reading time

Paper-based business processes are definitely out of date and are becoming an increasingly significant hurdle and additional workload for many companies. Loose paper, filing cabinets, manual data entry - all this creates complexity. Especially in light of many additionally imposed government reporting requirements. But there is a simpler and more contemporary solution: the digitalisation of your administration.

Less time for business processes, more time for your core business

Digitalising business processes eliminates the need to process invoices in spreadsheets, search for receipts and contracts, or spend a lot of time manually creating and distributing invoices. All these tasks can now be done digitally, significantly reducing the time spent.

With Banqup solutions, you can conveniently scan your receipts and documents via the Banqup app on your smartphone. Invoices and contracts in PDF format or as scanned copies are automatically captured, stored and archived on your Banqup digital platform.

Thanks to Banqup's built-in optical character recognition (OCR) software, the information and data in your documents are automatically transferred to the appropriate digital fields. This not only saves time but also lessens the likelihood of human error by significantly reducing manual data entry.

Easier and faster data transfer to your tax advisor

You no longer have to waste time submitting data to your tax advisor. Whether you currently email your data to your tax advisor or deliver physical receipts and invoices in a box, Banqup's digital business processes make both a thing of the past.

You have the option to decide whether you want all your financial documents and information to be automatically transferred to your tax consultant accountant or whether you want to select each document individually. The information is forwarded directly to your tax consultant or accountant and seamlessly transferred to their accounting or tax software.

Regardless of the method you choose, Banqup ensures that your accountant or tax advisor receives all the information they need without any additional effort on your part.

Less paper, more space

Thanks to digital administration, you no longer need to sift through folders of paper and years of filing cabinets. With Banqup, you can easily upload your documents to the platform and archive them via your secure document center for the legally required period, which is currently 10 years in Germany, beyond the end of the current calendar year.

Thanks to Banqup's search and filter functions, you can always and effortlessly find the document you need, regardless of its age.

Less risk of human error

Banqup's built-in optical character recognition (OCR) software eliminates the need to manually enter account numbers, tax amounts, and invoice details. The less data that needs to be entered manually, the lower the risk of human error.

If your customers or suppliers also use Banqup, invoice verification becomes even easier.

More organised

Thanks to the clear organisation of all documents on the Banqup platform, supported by clear diagrams showing due dates, outstanding payments, etc., you will always have a full overview of your documents and the financial situation, i.e. liquidity, of your company.

Are you ready to try digital business processes?

Sign up for the Banqup platform now and get started. If you have questions or need support along the way, you'll find helpful resources like how-to guides and frequently asked questions on our website.


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